

18 months – 4 years 

This Toddler Program will address the struggles that you are likely to face when your toddler is pushing boundaries and playing up at bedtime.  If your toddler is having trouble falling asleep independently and/or is then waking overnight, or if they are having naptime struggles, then this is the program for you.


  • Initial comprehensive phone consultation

  • 1:1 in home visit during the evening with overnight option

  • Strategies to help your toddler love falling asleep in their bed – and stay there all night

  • A booklet with age appropriate schedules and relevant information

  • Follow up phone/text/email support following visit


Happy Parent 

“We have an almost 5 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. Our daughter would get up continuously over night and sometime be awake for up to 3 hours at a time. Our son, well he didn't believe in bedtime and I would have to lay in bed with him and then pull ninja moves to leave his room. This was our life for for 12 months and it was taking a toll on every aspect of our lives. Within 3 days of Nicole's stay with us, neither of our children got up over night and both were asleep within 30mins of going to bed. Three weeks in and still both kids are asleep within 30mins of going to bed and both sleep through. If one of them does get up, they are back asleep within 5mins in their own bed. We can not thank Nicole enough for her help, but most of all for her kindness during a really difficult time for us. She is truly a life saver.”

Sarah Jane